Hi there! I'm...

Daniar Suprianto

Frontend developer
Daniar picture

Nice to see you (again)..πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Frontend developer β€’ Amsterdam / North Holland region β€’ 34 years old β€’ Indonesian / Dutch

β€’ β€’ β€’

"Tell me about yourself..."

To be honest with you, I've always been struggling answering this on any interviews. I feel like it's always the same answer and I'm afraid that I bore people. Until I realized, I'm very lucky to have gone this journey and become who I am now. So here's a bit of it.

My journey's been a bit of a rollercoaster. I started my university in Indonesia for 3 years, and then hopped over to the Netherlands for double degree programme. All the way from Indonesia to the Netherlands, for someone who's never been away from the family and friends, that's a bit tough. In fact, the Netherlands is the first country abroad I've ever visited in my whole life. But here I am, I finish up my graduation project. And then, boom, graduated!

My career is started right after the graduation as a fullstack developer. But guess what? Along the way, I discovered my passion for frontend development. I'm all about the nitty-gritty details, showcasing my creations, and teaming up with UX wizards to bring their designs to life.

When I'm not coding my way through the digital realm, you'll find me pumping iron at the gym or embarking on epic foodie adventures. I'm on a mission to taste every local dish on any countries I'm visiting. It's practically a crime for me to indulge in anything non-local when I'm out travelling. Oh, and don't forget the cocktail bars, I'm on a crawl to find the best mixes in town, always. Life's an exciting journey, and I'm just soaking it all in!

- Daniar -

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